Willow Farm Equine Assisted Therapy CIC
Providing a social space for improving mental health
Requesting Your Support
You can make a difference by helping us to continue our equine assisted therapeutic work via a donation.
Every donation helps.
Your generosity is always received with heartfelt gratitude.
Thank you and we appreciate your support.
What We Do

FREE Mental Health Support for Adults in Lincolnshire
What is it?
Equine Facilitated Therapy Activity Mornings may support and assist with mental health recovery, promoting positive mental health and resilience, and contribute to improved health and wellbeing.
Is it for you?
Are you struggling with poor mental health, emotional difficulties, loneliness/social isolation, post covid related issues, physical health or wellbeing problems, for example, depression, low self-confidence, low self-esteem, anxieties, addictions, processing trauma or PTSD?
Current Offer :
Saturday Socials With Equine Companions. FREE Equine Assisted therapy sessions available now. 6 Session commitment over a 6 month period. Dates available on application / enquiry. Sessions are 2 hours long. Small group therapeutic work involves participation in exercises with horses. To apply email : info@willowfarmequineassistedtherapycic.co.uk
What will you be doing?
A range of activities/new skill learning opportunities will be on offer including:
Horse care skills.
Horse handling skills.
Therapeutic exercises involving horses.
A social space to enable you to make new social connections.
Refreshments will be provided.
A safe space, without expectation and judgment, with people to listen to you confidentially should you feel you wish to talk privately.
Respite for reflection & relaxation.
What to wear:
Sessions will be of a practical nature, spending time in the company of the horses. We are an outdoor facility so please dress according to the seasonal conditions; layers of clothing is recommended. You will need sturdy foot wear e.g., Boots with a good grip sole are ideal.
Where is it?
Willow Farm, Brant Road, Fulbeck NG323JA
Other information:
Horses are licenced, fit for purpose and fully insured for Equine Facilitated Therapy work.
Past experience with horses is not essential, however a desire to work with them and a general affinity for animals is required.
Contact & booking in:
For more information or a chat to see if this could benefit you, please contact Sally Heron 07771882822
Why We Use Horses To Facilitate Behavioural Change:

The use of animals within therapy can be traced back thousands of years. While a range of animals are well known for being therapeutic, horses are becoming particularly well known for their ability to foster change. . Their ability to read human emotion and their inherent honesty can be incorporated into a type of psychological therapy. Equine therapy is the use of horses in a therapeutic setting. It helps promote emotional growth and personal development in the lives of individuals. Individuals who participate in equine assisted programmes often experience several life changing benefits. Working with horses can be a complimentary part of a bigger or more comprehensive treatment plan. Horses are very effective for: soothing and relaxing , improving mood, and / or reducing stress because they are particularly gentle and understanding. Horses are considered to provide scope for behavioural change. There are a number of reasons for this, including the following:
Because of their size:
As horses are large and powerful animals, they can be intimidating. For some people, this presents them with a challenge as soon as they start to overcome their fear. Combating this initial issue can be incredibly liberating and helps to boost feelings of confidence and self-esteem. Accomplishing tasks and gaining the trust of such animals only continues to reinforce these feelings of empowerment.
Because they are herd animals:
Horses are herd animals, which means they naturally desire company and often want to be led. This makes them very social animals that want to create bonds and this can be especially poignant when it comes to humans. Horses are therefore inclined to develop a relationship with humans when the person is ready.
Because they mirror behaviour:
Horses have an innate ability to mirror the thoughts and behaviours of others. Because they are prey animals, they can read body language and respond instantly. This means that if you enter the horse’s space with a negative attitude and defensive body language, chances are the horse won't want to interact with you. Alternatively, if you enter with a sense of calm, confidence and openness , you should find the horse responds more positively. It is this trait that helps people to reflect on their behaviour and challenge the way they approach situations both inside and outside of their session.
Because they have their own personality:
Horses can be incredibly human like in their personalities, they can be stubborn and seemingly defiant at times. They also like to have fun and often turn exercises into games. Horses can be incredibly caring too, and if you are upset they often respond in a nurturing manner. These personality traits once again make horses a natural companion during the therapeutic process, providing vast opportunity for growth.

Equine assisted therapy programmes have proven incredibly popular in the US and are gaining steam here in the UK with many finding it a useful tool. It is thought to be beneficial for a range of different issues, including the following: Low self-confidence, depression, anxieties, ADHD, addiction, eating disorders and health difficulties, dissociative symptoms, OCD, dementia and posttraumatic stress disorder. Equine assisted therapy offers a new way of exploring your feelings. You don't need any previous experience with horses and you do not have to be a die-hard animal lover to benefit from equine assisted therapy

Contact Us
Willow Farm
Brant Road
NG32 3JA